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I'm Paul Thompson and I have been living the life of a cowboy, exploring every aspect of the west to create a pure western story with authentic facts in order to give you, the reader, a fully immersive western novel experience.

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My Story

I was born in eastern New Mexico on a small farm and ranch that my folks homesteaded in 1924. Coal oil was our lights and cow patties (manure) was used as heat and for cooking, except when we got to use coal. Our water was drawn from a shallow well with a pulley, rope and bucket.


When I was nine the home place was sold and a large ranch was bought eighteen miles south of Clayton, New Mexico. Dad died when I was thirteen and mama sold the ranch, cows and horses and moved us kids to town.


“I left home, hitch-hiked to the Goodnight Ranch in Texas and worked as a cowboy. Married at seventeen, finished school at twenty-four with a degree in mechanical engineering.


Now I sit writing western novels and my # one fan is my lovely wife. She still puts up with me after all these years.


I'm always happy to hear from my readers. If you have any questions or comments, shoot me an email.

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